It's normal to think your child is a genius, right? At least the first one? Because we do. Mikaelin is picking up words and associations left and right, and can say her entire alphabet when prompted letter by letter. She can even recognize some numbers and is making connections on her own. She's repeating nearly everything we say. She's awesome. And we need to start seriously devoting some cash to her college fund.
Sometimes I try to picture her as an adult. It's kind of fun. I would love for her to stay my tiny newborn forever, but that season's already come and gone, so instead I picture her once she's out of the toddler years and able to use logic and know, when she's in her 30s. Not that I don't "treasure every minute;" I totally lock them in my heart to use as sentimental blackmail when she's a teenager. I'm just so excited to see what God has for her life. I love what God has called me to in this short span of years, and I pray that my daughter would experience such fulfillment someday. I love my sweet girl, and am so grateful for the time that God has given me to care for her.