Friday, December 11, 2009

Pulling the goalie

This has become the new catchphrase among my friends for "no longer trying not to have kids." Derek and I have officially pulled the goalie and are just praying and waiting for God's timing for our family to grow. I'm pretty excited...but I'll be more excited when I know where we're going to be living when a baby eventually arrives so I can plan and nest properly. We had a baby shower today for a guy I work with and I got to see his 2-month-old, Cole, who is simply adorable. I was quoted as saying, "I'm SO next." God willing =)

I think part of the reason why I'm so excited is that I don't feel like I need a baby to be happy...I don't feel like I NEED anything to be happy; I'm pretty darn satisfied at the moment with everything God has given me. I no longer feel like I'm always looking for something; for a best friend, for community, for satisfaction outside of Jesus. I have all those things in Him, and in the people He has answered my prayers by giving me. I feel...complete. It's an amazing feeling, and I praise God for his mercy and grace. I know I don't deserve to be this happy (despite the fact that our culture tells me otherwise) and I am so grateful to have such a benevolent God. What an awesome time to praise God for the gifts he has given us! And what an awesome time to praise God for his ultimate gift in a baby born in a manger as an answer to prophecy and the problem of sin. Because of God's benevolence, we get to be reunited with him in heaven AND have relationship with him on Earth. That's pretty rad. As my menorah shines with brilliant, warm light into the darkness of a very cold December evening, and is reflected by the lights from my lovingly decorated Christmas tree, this Jew is pretty stoked to have a relationship with my Messiah =)

Speaking of the birth of Jesus...I think I know what would make a pretty awesome Christmas present!

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