Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I brought home the baby Mac (which we have dubbed the "Silver Surfer" since it is silver and used to surf the internets) and have been having fun learning to use it. So far, it has been really awesome; very easy to use and leaps and bounds beyond what I had before. It sure is nice to sit in front of a cozy fire and play on the computer on a cold winter night.

It sure was cold this morning; there was frost on my car for the first time in like 2 years! We need to clean out the garage so I can start parking under cover. There's still a ton of my dad's stuff in there that we need to get rid of. Hopefully we'll take a trip to Goodwill in the near future. I don't want to have to take ANY of that stuff with us when we move again in June. Man, I am not looking forward to that. I would LOVE to stay in place for more than a year. When we move, it'll be four moves in as many years...I'm feeling kind of unintentionally rootless and I don't much like it. If we're going to be having a family at some point in the fairly near future, I want to be able to paint and decorate a nursery...I feel like all this moving has made me postpone my natural nesting urges, but when a baby comes, there won't be any postponing. That'll be the time I will put my foot down and do what I want to do to make our house feel like a home (or apartment or condo or whatever we can afford). I am looking forward to one day painting frogs and lilypads on the walls and sewing curtains and all that good stuff. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Anyway, ranting. It's nice to have an outlet for thoughts.

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